Thursday, March 29, 2012

int compatibility problem

Java is a bit funny, where it allows this:

short x = 7;

And C# would allow this:
class Alien
 internal string invade(short ships) { return "a few"; }
 internal string invade(params short[] ships) { return "many"; }
class Program
 public static void Main(string[] args)
  short x = 7;
  System.Console.WriteLine(new Alien().invade(7));

C#'s output:
a few

Java does not allow this:
class Alien
 String invade(short ships) { return "a few"; }
 String invade(short... ships) { return "many"; }

class Main
 public static void main(String[] args)
  short x = 7;
  System.out.println(new Alien().invade(7));

As Java decided that 7 is an int when being passed to a method, and there's no matching method that accepts an int, hence the above code will not compile

Compilation error: cannot find symbol
symbol  : method invade(int)
location: class Alien
  System.out.println(new Alien().invade(7));
1 error

Java lacks symmetry here. 7 can be assigned to short, but it cannot be passed to short. Might be by design, think component versioning issue. To fix the above problem. cast 7 to short:

System.out.println(new Alien().invade((short)7));

a few

Java is the odd one out, this would compile in C++:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Alien
    public: char* invade(short ships) { return "a few"; }

int main() 
    printf( (new Alien())->invade(7) );
    return 0;

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

cannot find symbol. symbol: constructor

This Java code:

class Top 
 public Top(String s) { System.out.print("Top"); }

public class Bottom extends Top 
 public Bottom(String s)
 public static void main(String[] args)
  new Bottom("A");

Produces this compile error: cannot find symbol
symbol  : constructor Top()
location: class Top
1 error

While this C# code:
using System;
public class Top
 public Top(string s) { Console.WriteLine("Top"); }

public class Bottom : Top
 public Bottom(string s) { Console.WriteLine("Bottom"); }
 public static void Main(string[] args)
  new Bottom("A");

Produces this compile error:
Bottom.cs(9,16): error CS1729: The type `Top' does not contain a constructor that takes `0' arguments
Bottom.cs(4,16): (Location of the symbol related to previous error)
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warnings

Java compile error is a bit confusing though, I'm thinking what's with curly bracket, why Java is pointing to that as the source of error.

The problem on both code is the base class of Bottom(i.e. Top), don't have any parameterless constructor. Deriver(Bottom) need to construct its base class too.

There are two ways to solve that problem, one is to make a parameterless constructor on Top, the second option is to inform the Bottom's constructor to use any of its base class' constructor

On Java:

class Top 
 public Top(String s) { System.out.print("Top"); }

public class Bottom extends Top 
 public Bottom(String s)
 public static void main(String[] args)
  new Bottom("A");

On C#, just call the constructor of its base class, on the constructor line itself

using System;
public class Top
 public Top(string s) { Console.WriteLine("Top"); }

public class Bottom : Top
 public Bottom(string s) : base(s) { Console.WriteLine("Bottom"); }
 public static void Main(string[] args)
  new Bottom("A");

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Explicit public declaration of interface methods. Not trusting your users' intelligence enough

Whereas C# doesn't allow this, Java does:

interface Device 
 public void doIt();

interface methods are always public and there's no reason to declare it explicitly so. Allowing that sort of thing reminds me of purported Hungarian notation:

int intCount;
int iCount;
string stringName;
string sName;

You can forgive the compiler for not enforcing compilation error on bad misuse of that Hungarian notation, but for the language being lenient on catching that redundant public thing is sort of not trusting the language's users intelligence enough. Think about it, you want your language users to always remember interface methods are public, then who are the audience of explicit public declaration of interface methods? Its non-users? :-)

Another redundancy:

Friday, March 9, 2012

Postgresql DENSE_RANK

create table sales 
with sales(artist,song, qty) as
 ('beatles','and i love her', 900),
 ('elvis', 'jailbreak rock', 800),
 ('nirvana','lithium', 600), 
 ('tomjones','sexbomb', 400)
select * from sales

Desired output:
 artist  |      song      | qty  
 beatles | yesterday      | 1000
 beatles | something      | 1000
 elvis   | jailbreak rock |  800
 nirvana | lithium        |  600
(4 rows)

Using MAX:
with each_artist_top_selling_product as
 select artist, song, qty 
 from sales x  
 where qty = (select max(qty) from sales where artist = x.artist)
top_n_total as
select distinct qty from each_artist_top_selling_product order by qty desc limit 3
select * 
from each_artist_top_selling_product
where qty in (select qty from top_n_total)
order by qty desc

Using DENSE_RANK instead:
with each_artist_top_selling_product as
 select * from 
  select artist, song, qty, dense_rank() over(partition by artist order by qty desc) rn
  from sales  
 ) as x where rn = 1
top_n_total as
select distinct qty from each_artist_top_selling_product order by qty desc limit 3
select * 
from each_artist_top_selling_product
where qty in (select qty from top_n_total)
order by qty desc

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Covariant return type. Liskov Principle as a language feature

Given these classes in Java:

class Animal 
    protected int _generation = 0;

    public Animal() {
    public Animal(int generation) {
        _generation = generation;

    public Animal spawn() {
        System.out.println("From Animal Spawn");
        return new Animal(_generation+1);

class Dog extends Animal 
    public Dog() {
    public Dog(int generation) {
        _generation = generation;        

    public Dog spawn() {
        System.out.println("From Dog Spawn");
        return new Dog(_generation + 1);

And this usage:

Animal a = new Dog();  
Animal x = a.spawn();
Dog b = new Dog();
Dog y = b.spawn();  

From Dog Spawn
From Dog Spawn

Java allows the above code as it supports covariant type on overriding method, it supports Liskov substitution principle on overriding methods, it allows overriding methods to return different type, as long as that type is a derived type from the overridden method. If you change the return type of Dog's spawn to other type, say String, it will result to compiler error.

Prior to Java 1.5, covariant is not possible, overriding method have to return the exactly same return type of the overridden method. And users will be forced to cast things around:

Java 1.4 and below:
class Dog extends Animal 
    Animal spawn() {        
        return new Dog(_generation + 1);

And you have to use this in Java 1.4 and below:
Dog b = new Dog();
Dog y = (Dog) b.spawn(); // removing the cast will result to compilation error, type mismatch

Covariant is supported in C++ too:

#include <cstdio>

class Animal
    protected: int _generation = 0;

    public: Animal() : Animal(1) {  

    public: Animal(int generation) {
        _generation = generation;

    public: virtual Animal* spawn()
        puts("Spawn From Animal");
        return new Animal(_generation + 1);

class Dog : public Animal
    public: Dog() : Dog(1) {  

    public: Dog(int generation) {
        _generation = generation;

    public: virtual Dog* spawn()
        puts("Spawn From Dog");
        return new Dog(_generation + 1);

int main()
    Animal* a = new Dog();
    Animal* x = a->spawn();

    Dog* b = new Dog();
    Dog* y = b->spawn();

    return 0;

C# 4 has no support for covariant return type. It has no support for Liskov Substitution Principle when overriding methods.

public class Test 
    public static void Main(string[] args) 
        Animal a = new Dog();  
        Animal x = a.Spawn();
        Dog b = new Dog();
        Dog y = b.Spawn();


class Animal 
    protected int _generation = 0;

    public Animal() : this(1) 
    public Animal(int generation) 
        _generation = generation;

    public virtual Animal Spawn() 
        System.Console.WriteLine("From Animal Spawn");
        return new Animal(_generation + 1);

class Dog : Animal 
    public Dog() : this(1)
    public Dog(int generation) 
        _generation = generation;        

    // Compilation error: 'Dog.Spawn()': return type must be 'Animal' to match overridden member 'Animal.Spawn()'
    public override Dog Spawn() 
        System.Console.WriteLine("From Dog Spawn");
        return new Dog(_generation + 1);

To fix that in C# 4, you have to make the return type of the overriding method to exactly the same return type of overridden method

public class Test 
    public static void Main(string[] args) 
        Animal a = new Dog();  
        Animal x = a.Spawn();
        Dog b = new Dog();
        Dog y = (Dog) b.Spawn();


class Animal 
    protected int _generation = 0;

    public Animal()
        _generation = 1;
    public Animal(int generation) 
        _generation = 1;

    public virtual Animal Spawn() 
        System.Console.WriteLine("From Animal Spawn");
        return new Animal(_generation + 1);

class Dog : Animal 
    public Dog()
    public Dog(int generation) 
        _generation = generation;        

    public override Animal Spawn() 
        System.Console.WriteLine("From Dog Spawn");
        return new Dog(_generation + 1);

Then when receiving the returned value from the overriding method, cast it to its derived type when necessary:

Dog b = new Dog();
Dog y = (Dog) b.Spawn(); // cast is needed, covariant is not yet supported in C# for overriding methods. Liskov substitution principle is not yet possible on overriding methods.

NOTE: a missing vtable usually means the first non-inline virtual member function has no definition

When you encounter this compilation error:

Michael-Buens-MacBook:CppProj Michael$ gcc b.cpp
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "operator new(unsigned long)", referenced from:
      _main in ccbv8mjf.o
      Alpha::doStuff(char) in ccbv8mjf.o
      Beta::doStuff(char) in ccbv8mjf.o
  "vtable for __cxxabiv1::__class_type_info", referenced from:
      typeinfo for Alphain ccbv8mjf.o
  NOTE: a missing vtable usually means the first non-inline virtual member function has no definition.
  "vtable for __cxxabiv1::__si_class_type_info", referenced from:
      typeinfo for Betain ccbv8mjf.o
  NOTE: a missing vtable usually means the first non-inline virtual member function has no definition.
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

You are holding it wrong, use g++ :-)

Michael-Buens-MacBook:CppProj Michael$ g++ b.cpp

b.cpp (Liskov principle):
#include <cstdio>

class Alpha
 public: virtual Alpha* doStuff(char c)
  printf("From Alpha\n");
  return new Alpha();

class Beta : public Alpha
 public: virtual Beta* doStuff(char c)
  printf("From Beta\n");
  return new Beta();

int main()

 Alpha* a = new Beta();
 Alpha* x = a->doStuff('x');
 Beta* b = new Beta();
 Beta* y = b->doStuff('x'); // no need to cast to Beta
 return 0;

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Java has smarter foreach

Given this..

class Animal { 

class Dog extends Animal { 

class Cat extends Animal { 

..Java's compilation of for each is smarter than C#

So this would not compile in Java:

private static void testAnimal() {     
 Animal[] a = { new Dog(), new Cat() };                                            
 for(Dog d : a) { // Type mismatch: cannot convert from element type Animal to Dog 

Whereas C# would happily compile the same construct:

static void testAnimal ()
 Animal[] a = { new Dog(), new Cat() };
 foreach(Dog d in a)
  Console.WriteLine ("Hey!");

But that relaxed foreach would bite you where it hurts the most, i.e. during runtime. The above construct will produce this output and error during runtime:


Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
  at ListInitializer.MainClass.testAnimal () [0x00017] in /Users/Michael/Projects/ListInitializer/ListInitializer/Main.cs:47 
  at ListInitializer.MainClass.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in /Users/Michael/Projects/ListInitializer/ListInitializer/Main.cs:40 
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
  at ListInitializer.MainClass.testAnimal () [0x00017] in /Users/Michael/Projects/ListInitializer/ListInitializer/Main.cs:47 
  at ListInitializer.MainClass.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in /Users/Michael/Projects/ListInitializer/ListInitializer/Main.cs:40 

Cat is not compatible with Dog.

Though if the intention is to really iterate all Dogs only, you can do so by using OfType extension method:

static void testAnimal ()
 Animal[] a = { new Dog(), new Cat() };
 foreach(Dog d in a.OfType<Dog>())
  Console.WriteLine ("Hey!");

As of the time of this writing, Java still doesn't support extension method, this is where C# clearly trumps Java

To approximate the same in Java, you have to use good collections library (e.g. Guava):

private static void testAnimal() {     
 Animal[] a = { new Dog(), new Cat() };                                            
 for(Dog d : Iterables.filter(Arrays.asList(a), Dog.class)) { 

Assigning integer to character is perfectly allowable in Java, C/C++

char c = 65; // Java, C/C++ would allow this. C# won't
System.out.println(c); // outputs A

need to typecast in C#
char c = (char) 65;

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Java reference type primitives gotcha

Java has a gotcha on its reference type primitives, any reference type primitives that has a value between -128 to 127 are cached, in order to save memory. When you compare any number that fall on that range, don't be surprised that reference types with same values points to the same memory location

private static void firstTestRef() {                                   
 System.out.println("First Test Ref\n");                            
 Integer a = 126;                                                   
 Integer b = 127;                                                   
 System.out.printf("Same reference b == a : %b\n", b == a);         
 System.out.printf("Same value b.equals(a) : %b\n\n", b.equals(a)); 
 System.out.printf("Same reference b == a : %b\n", b == a);         
 System.out.printf("Same value b.equals(a) : %b\n\n", b.equals(a)); 

First Test Ref

Same reference b == a : false
Same value b.equals(a) : false

Same reference b == a : true
Same value b.equals(a) : true

See the output above? When you increment a, the runtime will check first if the value is in -127 to 128 range, if it is, it will find an existing object with same value, and reference that object instead

Now check the output of this one, values that are not in -128 to 127 range:

private static void secondTestRef() {                                  
 System.out.println("Second Test Ref\n");                       
 Integer a = 128;                                                   
 Integer b = 129;                                                   
 Integer c = a;                                                     
 System.out.printf("Same reference a == c : %b\n", a == c);         
 System.out.printf("Same value a.equals(c) : %b\n\n", a.equals(c)); 
 System.out.printf("Same reference b == a : %b\n", b == a);         
 System.out.printf("Same value b.equals(a) : %b\n\n", b.equals(a)); 
 System.out.printf("Same reference b == a : %b\n", b == a);         
 System.out.printf("Same value b.equals(a) : %b\n\n", b.equals(a)); 
 System.out.printf("Same reference a == c : %b\n", a == c);         
 System.out.printf("Same value a.equals(c) : %b\n\n", a.equals(c)); 


Second Test Ref

Same reference a == c : true
Same value a.equals(c) : true

Same reference b == a : false
Same value b.equals(a) : false

Same reference b == a : false
Same value b.equals(a) : true

Same reference a == c : false
Same value a.equals(c) : true

When you increment a, even it will have same value as b, their referenced memory location will not be the same. Even if you assign a its old value, a will be a new object already; so, even a has same value as c, it will not reference c