Friday, March 9, 2012

Postgresql DENSE_RANK

create table sales 
with sales(artist,song, qty) as
 ('beatles','and i love her', 900),
 ('elvis', 'jailbreak rock', 800),
 ('nirvana','lithium', 600), 
 ('tomjones','sexbomb', 400)
select * from sales

Desired output:
 artist  |      song      | qty  
 beatles | yesterday      | 1000
 beatles | something      | 1000
 elvis   | jailbreak rock |  800
 nirvana | lithium        |  600
(4 rows)

Using MAX:
with each_artist_top_selling_product as
 select artist, song, qty 
 from sales x  
 where qty = (select max(qty) from sales where artist = x.artist)
top_n_total as
select distinct qty from each_artist_top_selling_product order by qty desc limit 3
select * 
from each_artist_top_selling_product
where qty in (select qty from top_n_total)
order by qty desc

Using DENSE_RANK instead:
with each_artist_top_selling_product as
 select * from 
  select artist, song, qty, dense_rank() over(partition by artist order by qty desc) rn
  from sales  
 ) as x where rn = 1
top_n_total as
select distinct qty from each_artist_top_selling_product order by qty desc limit 3
select * 
from each_artist_top_selling_product
where qty in (select qty from top_n_total)
order by qty desc

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