Saturday, September 27, 2014

Nested route and folder in Laravel

Nested route and folder in Laravel

First approach:

You have this existing route..

Route::get('/Home/{identifikation?}', 'HomeController@showWelcome');

..and you have this existing code organization:


And this home controller:


class HomeController extends BaseController

    public function showWelcome($identifikation = null)
        $p = new Person; // this Person class is residing in the folder: /models
        $p->firstname = 'Michael Angelo ' . $identifikation;
        $p->lastname = 'Buen';
        $p->nick = 'Kel';

        // 'Home/ShowWelcome' resolves to /views/Home/ShowWelcome.blade.php
        return View::make('Home/ShowWelcome')->with('ninjaTurtle', $p);



However, you have a need to move the Home url under Admin..

Route::get('/Admin/Home/{identifikation?}', 'HomeController@showWelcome');

..and likewise you wanted to move HomeController under Admin folder so the new url maps symmetrically to your code organization:


After moving HomeController under /controllers/Admin folder, go to command-line and run:
composer dump-autoload

Then re-launch your web server:
php artisan serve

That's it! With Laravel, you can route url that maps symmetrically to your code organization. Whereas in ASP.NET MVC, controllers are just limited in these two places: the Controllers and Areas/AreaNameHere/Controllers folders, the controller's folder can't be nested. I digress

However, every time you need to move your controller to another folder, you have to do the composer dump-autoload command-line ritual in order for Laravel to find your controller. Failing to do so, you'll always receive the error "Whoops, looks like something went wrong."

Second approach:

To avoid the composer dump-autoload ritual, we can do it in another way. We'll use PHP's namespace. With the following code organization..

..we'll have to change the routing as followed, we prefix the Admin\ namespace to HomeController class:
Route::get('/Admin/Home/{identifikation?}', 'Admin\HomeController@showWelcome');

..,then just add namespace Admin to HomeController.php:

namespace Admin;

class HomeController extends \BaseController

    public function showWelcome($identifikation = null)
        $p = new \Person;
        $p->firstname = 'Michael Angelo ' . $identifikation;
        $p->lastname = 'Buen';
        $p->nick = 'Kel';

        // 'Home/ShowWelcome' resolves to /views/Home/ShowWelcome.blade.php
        return \View::make('Home/ShowWelcome')->with('ninjaTurtle', $p);



As you noticed we have to prefix backslash character on the classes; failing to do so, PHP (not Laravel) will look for BaseController, Person and View classes under the namespace of Admin. To make PHP look for those three classes under the global namespace, we have to prefix those classes with backslash. As we might have to use those classes multiple times, a better approach is to import those classes using the keyword use so we don't have to prefix backslash on all classes:


namespace Admin;

use BaseController, Person, View;

class HomeController extends BaseController

    public function showWelcome($identifikation = null)
        $p = new Person;
        $p->firstname = 'Michael Angelo ' . $identifikation;
        $p->lastname = 'Buen';
        $p->nick = 'Kel';

        // 'Home/ShowWelcome' resolves to /views/Home/ShowWelcome.blade.php
        return View::make('Home/ShowWelcome')->with('ninjaTurtle', $p);



You might think, maybe we can just do "use \;", unfortunately PHP doesn't work that way, it doesn't work like C#'s using functionality

On a side note, it's unfortunate that PHP need to use "\" character for namespace delimiter as the dot character is used for string concatenation, otherwise the controller will not look like a folder:

Route::get('/Admin/Home/{identifikation?}', 'Admin.HomeController@showWelcome');

Anyway, when we use namespace, Laravel enforces the controller's code organization to mimic the namespace structure. The HomeController must be moved under the Admin folder. At least in Windows the backslash resembles the code organization :-)

Route::get('/Admin/Home/{identifikation?}', 'Admin\HomeController@showWelcome');

Happy Coding!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Content-heavy sites, choosing between Ruby-on-Rails and PHP

"Easy training, hard battle. Hard training, easy battle!" --

While reading Leonard Teo's article on when to choose Ruby-on-Rails or PHP, reading the first few paragraphs I wanted to learn RoR, then on next few paragraphs I'm leaning towards to learn PHP again, then on the middle paragraphs it seems like learning RoR is a wiser choice, but then on the last few paragraphs it felt to me PHP is not that bad; and then when while reading the comments, I'm gravitating again towards RoR, oh well.. :-) It took some six swings when choosing between RoR vs PHP while reading the article up to the last comment

Can't blame me :-) The article was written in 2012 and then updated this year and there are many insightful comments on that article too, having read the entire article and comments, it looks like there is now a renaissance on PHP. There are now new PHP frameworks which doesn't carry the crufts of the older PHP versions and only the language's latest capabilities are applied to new frameworks, making those newer frameworks cleaner and developer-friendly. A PHP MVC framework like Laravel is such an example

I tweeted:

RoR is a mature framework now, it's boring:

RT @nguerrera Great code is often boring. Exciting code is often wrong.

While RoR is mature now, I'm gravitating towards Laravel; not because it is exciting, but that helps too :-) I used PHP for about half a year on my first job a long time ago, so I'm new to PHP MVC frameworks now. The insightful thoughts from Pierre sealed the deal for me:

As others have suggested here you really should look at Laravel. The frameworks you mention (with the exception o possibly symphony) are what I would call "legacy" frameworks. They all have a long history going back to PHP 4 and are burdened by that legacy.

Laravel lacks that. The author of the framework was not a PHP developer originally. He came from a .NET/Ruby background and arrived on the scene only a few years ago. As such he started by supporting php 5.3 and didn't bother with legacy support.

So Laravel has some of the best features from Rails and .NET baked in: ORM, Active Records, robust routing, generators, migrations, BLADE (think Razor in .NET) etc.... In addition serious PHP frameworks now use Composer for all their components and most of their core. Just like Ruby Gems and Node's packages everything is centralized and not coupled to a particular framework. So you're only updating components via composer using the command line and not your entire framework. (Symphony is using this method as well)

In short, PHP has grown up in some respects. Laravel really is the closest thing PHP has to Rails, if you want to compare something closer in scope have a look at it.

With the author of Laravel experience in ASP.NET MVC, I'm curious to learn how much of the good ideas in ASP.NET MVC are injected into Laravel

So why not just adopt ASP.NET MVC for content-heavy sites since I have experience with ASP.NET MVC too? PHP is ubiquitous, cloud choices is definitely a plus. Microsoft having decided Windows on Azure should carry a premium price tag, Linux on Azure is budget-friendly

As compared to Ruby-on-Rails, Laravel has the controllers done right. See:

And how about Java MVC frameworks? You can forgot Java when your server's resources is limited

Happy Coding!

AngularJS bind once musing

After reading this:

I'm somehow convinced it's better to do the localization during logon only. So bindings on localizations on labels, titles, etc could be done once only

Other good sources on keeping the quantity of $watches low:

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Thoughts On Best Practices

OH: “Do programmers have any specific superstitions?”

“Yeah, but we call them best practices.”

-- David Grandinetti

Good read on best practices:

"It has a chilling effect on our progress as an intellectual craft when people pretend that a best practice exists" -- James Bach

"Rather than simply stating what we've done and how we did it, we feel compelled to puff it up into a spiny, intimidating best practice. We attach our egos to our code frameworks. If someone doesn't agree with our approach, they're attacking us personally. If someone has a different best practice, they're amateurs who don't understand the problem domain" -- Jeff Atwood

My aversion on best practices, everyone has their own beliefs, it follows that everyone has their own notion of best practice

There's really no one best practice, everyone has one; or should we just take it the easy way and just find like-minded folks who share our notion of best practice? It's not good to find folks who'll just reinforce same beliefs, things are a lot better and interesting when we find others who can find loopholes or provide constructive criticism on things we believe are right

Lastly, most of the time, I find that people who tend to ask a best practice question can be classified in two types, either they are lazy and wanted to be spoonfed or an askhole

Believing our practice is the best practice, tends to make us crap on other people's choice and enthusiasm, and it's not good

Better not to believe there's a best practice at all especially if we will just use it on intimidating other people

Happy Coding!