<div ng-app='theApp' ng-controller='SampleController as c'> <label>Search</label><p><input type='text' ng-model='c.topic'/> <button ng-click='c.getTopMatch()'>Get Top Match</button> <p> <span ng-show='c.topMatch.length !=""'>Top Match: {{c.topMatch}}<span> </p> </div> var app = angular.module('theApp', ['oitozero.ngSweetAlert']); app.controller('SampleController',['$http', 'SweetAlert', function($http, SweetAlert) { var self = this; self.topic = 'angularjs'; self.topMatch = ''; self.getTopMatch = function() { $http.jsonp('http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&callback=JSON_CALLBACK', { params : { 'q' : self.topic } }) .success(function(data) { self.topMatch = data.responseData.results[0].url; SweetAlert.swal({ title: "Clear Search?", text: "Everyone wants a clear textbox", type: "success", showCancelButton: true, cancelButtonText: 'No', confirmButtonText: "Yes!" }, function(isConfirm){ if (!isConfirm) return; self.topic = ''; }); }); }; }]);
We can solve that by wrapping our changes on model inside of AngularJS $q service:
var app = angular.module('theApp', ['oitozero.ngSweetAlert']); app.controller('SampleController',['$http', '$q', 'SweetAlert', function($http, $q, SweetAlert) { var self = this; self.topic = 'angularjs'; self.topMatch = ''; self.getTopMatch = function() { $http.jsonp('http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&callback=JSON_CALLBACK', { params : { 'q' : self.topic } }) .success(function(data) { self.topMatch = data.responseData.results[0].url; SweetAlert.swal({ title: "Clear Search?", text: "Everyone wants a clear textbox", type: "success", showCancelButton: true, cancelButtonText: 'No', confirmButtonText: "Yes!" }, function(isConfirm){ if (!isConfirm) return; var deferred = $q.defer(); deferred.promise.then(function() { self.topic = ''; }); deferred.resolve(); }); }); }; }]);
Note that we need to inject $q service to our controller. If that's a bit overkill, we can skip the use of $q service and use another approach. Another approach is to dynamically add a promise on existing $http's promise when a callback outside of AngularJS is made, an example:
var app = angular.module('theApp', ['oitozero.ngSweetAlert']); app.controller('SampleController',['$http', 'SweetAlert', function($http, SweetAlert) { var self = this; self.topic = 'angularjs'; self.topMatch = ''; self.getTopMatch = function() { var thePromise = $http.jsonp('http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&callback=JSON_CALLBACK', { params : { 'q' : self.topic } }) .success(function(data) { self.topMatch = data.responseData.results[0].url; SweetAlert.swal({ title: "Clear Search?", text: "Everyone wants a clear textbox", type: "success", showCancelButton: true, cancelButtonText: 'No', confirmButtonText: "Yes!" }, function(){ thePromise.then(function() { self.topic = ''; }); }); }); }; }]);
Another good approach is to use $timeout, unlike $scope.$apply/$scope.$digest, $timeout is testable. Though it works, it is not advisable to use $scope.$apply/$scope.$digest in a controller. $timeout works and it is testable:
var app = angular.module('theApp', ['oitozero.ngSweetAlert']); app.controller('SampleController',['$http', '$timeout', 'SweetAlert', function($http, $timeout, SweetAlert) { var self = this; self.topic = 'angularjs'; self.topMatch = ''; self.getTopMatch = function() { $http.jsonp('http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/web?v=1.0&callback=JSON_CALLBACK', { params : { 'q' : self.topic } }) .success(function(data) { self.topMatch = data.responseData.results[0].url; SweetAlert.swal({ title: "Clear Search?", text: "Everyone wants a clear textbox", type: "success", showCancelButton: true, cancelButtonText: 'No', confirmButtonText: "Yes!" }, function(isConfirm){ if (!isConfirm) return; $timeout(function() { self.topic = ''; }); }); }); }; }]);
Happy Coding!
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