declare @tx table( id int identity(1, 1) not null, data varchar(100), column1 int, column2 int, column3 int ); insert into @tx(data, column1, column2, column3) values ('data1', 1, 2, 3), ('data2', 4, 5, 6), ('data3', 7, 8, null); select,, c.item, c.value from @tx a cross apply ( values ( cast( ( select a.* for xml raw ) as xml ) ) ) as b(xmldata) cross apply ( select item = xattr.value('local-name(.)', 'varchar(100)'), value = xattr.value('.', 'int') from b.xmldata.nodes('//@*') as xnode(xattr) where xnode.xattr.value('local-name(.)', 'varchar(100)') not in ('id', 'data', 'other-columns', 'to-exclude') ) c

SQL Server can't include null values though.
Postgres version:
Note: Should run this first before being able to use hstore functionality: create extension hstore
create temporary table tx( id int generated by default as identity primary key, data text, column1 int, column2 int, column3 int ) on commit drop; insert into tx(data, column1, column2, column3) values ('data1', 1, 2, 3), ('data2', 4, 5, 6), ('data3', 7, 8, null); with a as ( select id, data, each(hstore(tx.*) - 'id'::text - 'data'::text) as h from tx ) select id, data, (h).key as item, (h).value::int as value from a -- this would work too: -- where (h).key not in ('id', 'data', 'other-columns', 'to-exclude')

No problem with Postgres, it include nulls
If the number of columns to unpivot is not so dynamic, can do this in Postgres:
select,, x.* from tx join lateral ( values ('column1', column1), ('column2', column2), ('column3', column3) ) as x(item, value) on true
Equivalent to SQL Server:
select,, x.* from @tx tx cross apply ( values ('column1', column1), ('column2', column2), ('column3', column3) ) as x(item, value);
Both Postgres and SQL Server include nulls in result
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