$ npx create-react-app experiment-react-customized-webpack --scripts-version react-scripts-rewired --use-pnp
Create a directory named
shared under
src directory
randomizer.js under
shared directory
export function randomizer() {
return 4;
Create directories
components/deeply/nested under
src directory
SampleComponent.js under
src/components/deeply/nested directory
import React from "react";
import { randomizer } from "../../../shared/randomizer";
export function SampleComponent() {
const a = randomizer();
return (
<strong>I am strong {a}</strong>
It should show on the page:
I am strong 4
SampleComponent.js import statement:
import { randomizer } from "../../../shared/randomizer";
import { randomizer } from "love/randomizer";
It will fail compiling
webpack.config.extend.js code to:
const path = require("path");
* Project's customized Webpack Configuration Extension
* ----------------------------------------------------
* this file is heavily inspired by `react-app-rewired` mechanism.
* it simply gives you the chance to hook into the default Webpack
* configuration as it is provided by `create-react-app`, and to
* change it so to match your project's needs.
* If you want to check out the default values look into:
* `./node_modules/marcopeg-react-scripts/config/webpack.config.${env}.js`
module.exports = (webpackConfig, env, { paths }) => {
// here you can extend your webpackConfig at will
webpackConfig.resolve.alias = {
love: path.resolve(__dirname, "src", "shared")
return webpackConfig;
It should show on the page:
I am strong 4